Does anyone else love paella?

Does it make good leftovers? I want to make it, but it's just my wife and I until the baby starts eating solid food.

I would keep it to chorizo and chicken rather than seafood if you are planning on leftovers. The rice and veggies reheat really well.
Makes great leftovers..actually might be better the next day after the rice and meats soak up the flavors.
When I was a kid the family went to a well regarded Spanish restaurant in New York City. I remember that we got paella. It was one of those situations where you eat something and then realize what you ate afterwards. Like those tubular things I thought were noodles were squid, and suddenly noticing the little crispy octopus...That was when I realized that I liked that kind of thing. You eat it, enjoy it, guess it isn't gross after all. Decades later I was eating char broiled tentacles in a Greek seafood place in Astoria NY and thinking of the Klingon food on Star Trek Deep Space Nine (mine was cooked) and thinking that taking a chance is sometimes a good thing.