Curbside Classic website


black sheep
You’ve just joined the endless automotive treasure hunt. We prowl the streets to find and document any interesting car regardless of whether it’s a genuine classic or a tired beater. Our motto is “Every car has a story”, and we’re going to coax one out of each of them: a unique place in automotive history, a treasured family heirloom, a childhood memory, a wild youthful drive or tragic breakdown, memories of automotive love or disdain. It’s about context, not just the dry facts; although we respect those too. And your comments are a big part of creating the stories. This is a collaborative effort, so please come on in, register, start adding to the stories, and pass the the word: Curbside Classic is the place for lovers of older cars, and more.

I spent (wasted) a good part of yesterday here. Looks to be a new endeavour and a pretty cool car site. If they see it parked, they take pics. Found a few I grew up with or owned at one time or another.