Resident Pitmaster
The only thing missing is David Lindley and his Dumble. A most excellent and rousing rendition from over the weekend.
Classic rock is still doing new stuff, too. Electric Wizard’s last album is killer 70s crunch.
I see your Electric Wizard and raise you a Salem’s Pot
This. a jackson browne reunion show doesn't strike me as the most compelling argument for the the vigor of classic rock.Classic rock may not be dead, but it's getting its affairs in order, reverse mortgaging its house, and moving to a senior community where golf-carts are the preferred form of transportation...
The singer's voice is hard to take, but they do some decent 70'sish rock.
Aspercream?"Classic rock isn't dead - it's supposed to smell like that."
I don't think it's so much her voice, but the way they record it. Cool band, but they need a producer to smack their hands away from the console and shake the lo-fi out of them.
I try not to use the "Classic Rock" phrase because it's forever changing and is more about the age of the individual listener than anything else. When I was an early teen, the local Classic Rock station played a lot of Zep, Stones, Beatles, Foghat, Skynard, etc... Even Jackson Browne.
With all do respect to Jackson Browne and Co, that was hard to watch. The combined energy of the band was one of those really cheap ass green colored AAA batteries that was included the even more cheap ass Chinese toy you get at a swap meet for $3 after a few hours of use.
For all the legendary talent on that stage, the performance was lifeless and uninspiring to the point of tainting individual legacies.
I try not to use the "Classic Rock" phrase because it's forever changing and is more about the age of the individual listener than anything else. When I was an early teen, the local Classic Rock station played a lot of Zep, Stones, Beatles, Foghat, Skynard, etc... Even Jackson Browne.
That same station is still on the air some nearly 40 years later and still playing that same stuff, but now it's mixed with Nirvana, Motley Crue, even Metallica. That makes the idea of there being such a genre seem impossibly broad and meaningless over all.