Resident Ragamuffin
Mojo sent.
My oldest son is heading to Germany in a few days. A very disturbing series of events today.
My oldest son is heading to Germany in a few days. A very disturbing series of events today.
Apparently my brother has a knack for narrowly avoiding this shit. He was in one of the twin towers on September 10, 2001.
Thanks for all the mojo
Goddamnit, OGG! You fuckin' asshole! What's the fuckin' travesty with you, man? What was that shit about Berlin? What the fuck does anything have to do with Berlin?! What the fuck are you talking about?! Fuck, OGG.
Take your fucking meds, Teddy Boy.
You are extremely unperceptive.
No, just unlike you I don't think everything is a fucking joke. And I think that movie is quite over rated.