Achtung! Bass pickup shootout - stock 2013 MIA Fender Precision pickup vs. EMG Geezer Butler


Meatus McPrepuce
I don't know for sure but I'm pretty sure the stock pickup in my 2013 American Standard Precision is their "Custom Shop '62" pickup. That's what you hear first. Second is my newly installed EMG Geezer Butler pickup.

I don't really go super in depth so I use the term "shootout" loosely. And I think they both sound good. But before I color your perceptions with my take I'd love to hear your thoughts...

It’s what I expected. The Fender pickup sounds like the gold standard of American music, bright and punchy. The EMG sounds darker, warmer, and fatter, which is exactly what the inventor of doom bass would want.
Me, listening to this on my tablet...
