Attacked by wild rabid cat!

If it's male, you can get another cat and they'll bond; neutered males are very friendly and submissive.

That pic is wonderful; you will find that your appreciation of cats is about to get much deeper. When they pick you out, it really is a lifelong and deep bond. FWIW, a cat did that to me at an adoption clinic and we still sleep in a pose just like that most nights. That cat has saved me from some really tough moments.

Meanwhile our Orange Shithead does not play well with others...

Cats are so awesome. I call mine "mini-tigers." They're pocket-sized bundles of love and trouble. Which is a great description of the women I spent my 20's and 30's seeking out. Cats are a lot more affordable (in many ways).
A few years back my sister wanted a cat and so went to the rescue centre. Her decision was made for her when a lovely all black male cat was all over her. Very very affectionate and playful.

The minute she got him home he changed into a loner that sat on his own and went out on his own and never sought human contact. He wasn't scared of humans, he just wanted to do his own thing.

The sly, using little bastard.
Usually when people complain about cats, it's apparent that they don't know how to interact with them. All cats will make it their business to establish some sort of relationship with any and every animal with which they live.

We've had former-ferals who have spent six months hiding behind furniture eventually become very friendly and affectionate -- like most relationships, you tend to get out of them what you put into them.
Smokey came to us from a former client who had schizophrenia; Smokey was still a kitten and was just too much for the gut to handle. When she came to live with us she was rather skittish; especially since there were two other cats in our home. Over the years she has become quite the lap cat. She is also our primary "box cat." :grin:
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So the cat adoption home called on Friday. Malachi's surgery is on February 13th - would we like to foster him between now and then? Heck yes.....

So he came home with us on Saturday. Aside from losing sleep because the little bugger wants to sleep next to/on my head and kneed my head/face with his claws, it's been pretty good. He is very much a people kitty for now. Constantly following me around the house (and trying to trip me - I really have to watch my feet). Very vocal at times as well. Step-daughter gets back with us tonight (she alternates weeks with us and her Dad) so that will be more added chaos.
So the cat adoption home called on Friday. Malachi's surgery is on February 13th - would we like to foster him between now and then? Heck yes.....

So he came home with us on Saturday. Aside from losing sleep because the little bugger wants to sleep next to/on my head and kneed my head/face with his claws, it's been pretty good. He is very much a people kitty for now. Constantly following me around the house (and trying to trip me - I really have to watch my feet). Very vocal at times as well. Step-daughter gets back with us tonight (she alternates weeks with us and her Dad) so that will be more added chaos.
BTW - the name is changing.

We need to get the step-daughter's OK, but the new name is most likely Ichigo. That is the name of a character in a fave anime of all of us that happens to have orange hair - so it fits. It's also the Japanese word for strawberry - but that's not important here....