Anyone use one of those little Tascam 8 track recorders?

What model? I recorded all of my parts for the first bird index album using a DP – 008EX. Great unit
Thanks Gary.

That Zoom is spendier than I want. More than I really need, at least at this time.
I hear you on that. I was wanting to record vocals and dual guitar tracks at the same time, and perhaps drum machine as well, so the ability to record more that two tracks at a time made sense to me. Thinking about it, I had the Fostex, but it was similar:

The Tascam is updated, of course, but does have that two track at a time limit for recording.
I hear you on that. I was wanting to record vocals and dual guitar tracks at the same time, and perhaps drum machine as well, so the ability to record more that two tracks at a time made sense to me. Thinking about it, I had the Fostex, but it was similar:

The Tascam is updated, of course, but does have that two track at a time limit for recording.

I've got one of those. I prefer recording direct to the computer, myself, but it is handy for mobile recording.
I initially had the Zoom MRS8...


... it was serviceable, but I found the menu system extremely dense and hard to navigate, which made it less motivating to work with...I don't know the Tascam unit, so I cant't speak to it's workflow but if it's anything similar to the Zoom I cannot recommend it...
I did all my recording on a 16-track digital standalone unit for years and years.
Felt great at the time. Eventually switched to computer based several years ago.
Wouldn't go back if you paid me.
I have a Zoom 1040cd that has a drum machine and a bass sequencer, 10 tracks, 40 gig hard drive. I love it. Two track recording. Great for song writers. I also have a Zoom R16 and a R24. Higher learning curve but great stand alone digital mixers and interfaces.

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
I initially had the Zoom MRS8...


... it was serviceable, but I found the menu system extremely dense and hard to navigate, which made it less motivating to work with...I don't know the Tascam unit, so I cant't speak to it's workflow but if it's anything similar to the Zoom I cannot recommend it...

Anytime you cram a lot of technology into a small package like this, especially with a tiny display, there is going to be a little bit of squinting and hunting. Having said that, I found my unit to be relatively easy to navigate compared to some others that I had used. Like I said, the entire first bird index album except for the drums was recorded on one of these. While I wouldn’t go back from the computer, it’s still a good unit
I've used Reaper. The problem is I do not have a place where I can set up, and leave setup, a laptop and all the accoutrements required to work on Reaper.

The Tascam unit looks easy to use, easy to set up.

Smurfco, does it have the capability to slide a track back and forth to facilitate syncing of tracks?
I've used Reaper. The problem is I do not have a place where I can set up, and leave setup, a laptop and all the accoutrements required to work on Reaper.

The Tascam unit looks easy to use, easy to set up.

Smurfco, does it have the capability to slide a track back and forth to facilitate syncing of tracks?

I’m not sure. The way I would use it, I would get a stereo drum track from Brad and load it onto the SD card as one track. Then I would add the rest of my parts a track at a time. I would then export the individual files and send them to Brad for mixing. But I could have just as easily mixed on the device. Since this was my method I never had any reason to slide tracks around, so I’m not sure if you can…...
What model? I recorded all of my parts for the first bird index album using a DP – 008EX. Great unit

I had one, too, and loved it. I replaced it with a DP-24 that quickly got put aside for a laptop, but the DP-008 had much-better-than-expected sound, was incredibly easy to operate, and just worked, no muss no fuss.