Anyone here day trade Cryptocurrency?

Great rally but it has been building slowly before it went a bit nuts. I had money in my Tax Free Savings Account from selling bank stocks at all time high and it was just sitting there. So I bought an Ethereum Exchange Traded Fund a short while back. It's doing great.

Of course ETH is doing awesome since EIP 1559. I am so happy that I sold my Bitcoin and put the money in Ethereum prior to all of this.

ok , yeah Ill be sure to do that assuming that cash is not outdated cuz if my only option is crypto i will be living in a shack in the woods.......down by a river

You're already there mentally brother. Open that thing up or there will just be spiders in there.
Great rally but it has been building slowly before it went a bit nuts. I had money in my Tax Free Savings Account from selling bank stocks at all time high and it was just sitting there. So I bought an Ethereum Exchange Traded Fund a short while back. It's doing great.

Of course ETH is doing awesome since EIP 1559. I am so happy that I sold my Bitcoin and put the money in Ethereum prior to all of this.

You're already there mentally brother. Open that thing up or there will just be spiders in there.
If and when crypto ever takes hold and becomes the primary source of transaction I will be like 80 years old so I will be like the old guys today who still pay with cash and I'm totally fine with that.
Or you might be one of the guys saying "I remember these guys talking about all of this stuff but I didn't understand it and I wanted to yell at clouds so I just told them that it would never be anything."
I probably adopted earlier than most here using debit only.
Good for you - you aren't afraid of change. I never did and still don't because I don't like being charged fees for spending MY money when the bank pays me next to nothing yet charges 100s% more than that to lend.

i just can't get behind crypto.
Because you aren't paying attention. Google Web 3 and read a bit. This is the internet on blockchain. Soon, if you use the internet, you'll be using blockchain. Crypto is not just currency.

I will happily use apple pay, bank debity card or credit card or PayPal or a electronic transfer like Zelle...all that shit is insured.
Just a moment...Apple is heavy into crypto, banks are all getting in...PayPal is heavily involved...but you "just can't get behind crypto". It's like saying you can't get behind clothing but wearing it all of the time. They are all getting involved because they see what's coming. The information is all out there and people are still ignoring it and the amount of growth from here is exponential.

Insured? Like all of those mortgages which caused the sh!t in 2008? And taxpayers get to be on the hook for all of that while the fat bankers just kept chugging along. That's part of why crypto even exists because that sh!t is just business as usual in traditional finance,

Even the United States government has crypto clauses in the huge Infrastructure Bill and they know so little about it that the things that they want to implement aren't even logical and could very well have damaging implications on employment & technological development.

FWIW I've only been inside a bank twice in perhaps the last tweny years. Once was when I had to get a new debit card immediatly and the other time was when i was laid off during teh covid early days and the state issued prepaid debit card i had i needed to get a bank check to send to my landlord.

It sounds like another statement proclaiming that you aren't adverse to change and new technology but...

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Or you might be one of the guys saying "I remember these guys talking about all of this stuff but I didn't understand it and I wanted to yell at clouds so I just told them that it would never be anything."
no, not at all. I'm one of those who view money as an evil necessity much like you have people who aren't car people but they need it to function in society and so they drive a 1988 toyota corrolla or an old Chevy Nova just because it's reliable transportation, it was available and it still works.....that will be me
Good for you - you aren't afraid of change. I never did and still don't because I don't like being charged fees for spending MY money when the bank pays me next to nothing yet charges 100s% more than that to lend.

Because you aren't paying attention. Google Web 3 and read a bit. This is the internet on blockchain. Soon, if you use the internet, you'll be using blockchain. Crypto is not just currency.

Just a moment...Apple is heavy into crypto, banks are all getting in...PayPal is heavily involved...but you "just can't get behind crypto". It's like saying you can't get behind clothing but wearing it all of the time. They are all getting involved because they see what's coming. The information is all out there and people are still ignoring it and the amount of growth from here is exponential.

Insured? Like all of those mortgages which caused the sh!t in 2008? And taxpayers get to be on the hook for all of that while the fat bankers just kept chugging along. That's part of why crypto even exists because that sh!t is just business as usual in traditional finance,

Even the United States government has crypto clauses in the huge Infrastructure Bill and they know so little about it that the things that they want to implement aren't even logical and could very well have damaging implications on employment & technological development.

It sounds like another statement proclaiming that you aren't adverse to change and new technology but...

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your first reply here is a perfect example of the fundamental difference between our relationships to money....I could not care less about that shit and it's one of the many reasons I'll never be rich or even upper middle class...I have no desire.. My thought is "the bank is a business and like any business they are in for profit, it is what it is" ....I don't go shopping banks for lower interest rates.

To me it seems like one reason you are SO INTO crypto (other than the obvious which is you hold money as a high value in life) is that I think you see it as a way to "stick iot to the man" or perhaps you think it's "like totally cyberpunk man" and maybe view yourself as a bit of an anarchist bor a visionary because you got myour foot in the door early....nice. Whatever floats your boat.
your first reply here is a perfect example of the fundamental difference between our relationships to money....I could not care less about that shit and it's one of the many reasons I'll never be rich or even upper middle class...I have no desire.. My thought is "the bank is a business and like any business they are in for profit, it is what it is" ....I don't go shopping banks for lower interest rates.

To me it seems like one reason you are SO INTO crypto (other than the obvious which is you hold money as a high value in life) is that I think you see it as a way to "stick iot to the man" or perhaps you think it's "like totally cyberpunk man" and maybe view yourself as a bit of an anarchist bor a visionary because you got myour foot in the door early....nice. Whatever floats your boat.

What are your plans for when you get too old to work? Live on social security?

And no, the people in this thread who are supporting crypto currency aren't doing so because it is nerdy or sticking it to the man, or whatever. We are supporting it because it is useful, and as such, it is valuable. And we believe that as more people become aware of that value, the value will rise at a rate considerably higher than other investment options.
What are your plans for when you get too old to work? Live on social security?

And no, the people in this thread who are supporting crypto currency aren't doing so because it is nerdy or sticking it to the man, or whatever. We are supporting it because it is useful, and as such, it is valuable. And we believe that as more people become aware of that value, the value will rise at a rate considerably higher than other investment options.
yes. I'm single and I'm stayin g that way...I don't have kids, don't have any other family except my dad who is 88 right now. I have some credit card debt but no other debt. I will get my dads house and whatever he has money wise when he passes (I'm sole in heritor). My old boss who i knew since I was 16 made me the sole inheritor of his estate when he and his wife pass on since there son died (they had no other children), he is 84 and his wife 76 and both were heavy smokers . His wife still is aand he quit about 6 years ago. My dad might possib ly outlive them.
As i mentioned (ort maybe didn;t) I live and have a relatively low maintanence lifestyle.
So yead SS and what i get in inheritance and if not I will have to continue to work but I am suspecting that won't be the case. I don't desire to travel other than the occdasional colorado, NM, UT trip..I'm a simple man.
your first reply here is a perfect example of the fundamental difference between our relationships to money....I could not care less about that shit and it's one of the many reasons I'll never be rich or even upper middle class...I have no desire.. My thought is "the bank is a business and like any business they are in for profit, it is what it is" ....I don't go shopping banks for lower interest rates.
If you could not care less, that's fine. To quote you: "whatever floats your boat."

But for someone who could not care less, I would guess that you have more posts in this thread than I do and I might even guess that you have more definitive statements in this thread than I do.

A casual observer might conclude that you care enough to discuss it a fair amount.

To me it seems like one reason you are SO INTO crypto (other than the obvious which is you hold money as a high value in life) is that I think you see it as a way to "stick iot to the man" or perhaps you think it's "like totally cyberpunk man" and maybe view yourself as a bit of an anarchist bor a visionary because you got myour foot in the door early....nice. Whatever floats your boat.

I hold money in high regard solely because money will free me from the confines of being plugged into The Matrix and it may, at some point allow me to help members of my family. If that's holding 'money as a high value in life', then yes. That's me.

I just spent a week cleaning a shed and working on my parents' property to simplify things for them because it's a very 'high value in life' activity to me.

If crypto would 'stick it to the man' I would be more into it because they always have the advantage. It helps the little guy is a much more accurate mission statement for crypto than 'stick it to the man'.

Cyberpunk...well, I don't even know what that is. I know there are NFTs called that (I think) but I don't know where you're going with that.

Anarchist? Not even close.

Visionary? Once again, not even close. 'Got in early would be getting Bitcoin at under $100 or getting Ethereum at under $100 so, once again, not even close. you can go on believing any or all of your impressions of me, I honestly can look back at all of my posts and not see how anyone would jump to any of those conclusions but hey, I'll quote you again: whatever floats your boat.

To everyone else in this thread (and even you who could not care less but are eyeballs deep into the conversation with ZERO KNOWLEDGE of the subject matter, but hey, congratulations on adopting that debit card early) all I want for you all is to be able to make some money without toiling away because the Capitalist systems keep working people on the hamster wheels of life (is that sticking it to the man?) and nothing would be cooler for me than to find out that a bunch of you make lots of money to free you from some of the things that keep you from the things that you love or the people who you love.

Cheers and beers!
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I think ADA is about to skyrocket.

In post #83 on page 5, I posted a video about Cardano. It just stands out as a project with such an altruistic sort of vision and I found that to be so attractive. Also the founder, Charles Hoskinson, was a co-founder of Ethereum so he has the technical background and knowledge to direct a successful blockchain/high tech company.

Cardano is supposedly getting very close to launching smart contracts capabilities so that could be huge for the ADA price.

Something very unique: there was a $600 million hack targeting one of the platforms which is supposed to help many different platforms work together. Much of the stolen property has been returned as the hacker apparently wanted to illustrate security weakness in that particular system. That's something which only seems to take place in the crypto world - but the caveat being that the hacker wouldn't have been able to deposit the stolen tokens anywhere so would it be the case if he or she could have? Anyway, just a story of note.
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Good lord. I feel like I'm holding office hours and some kid who just discovered Nietzsche thinks I'm the one he has to tell it all to.
Good lord. I feel like I'm holding office hours and some kid who just discovered Nietzsche thinks I'm the one he has to tell it all to.

Good lord, I don't think anyone said anything to you in this thread since sometime in May.

Maybe you are just feeling left out(?).