Chicken Man
Kick Henry Jackassowski
I was looking for a way to put my finances at the mercy of, like, a version of Hank Scorpio who eats his own boogers.
Looks like dreams do come true!
Looks like dreams do come true!
Interesting. It definitely took a nose dive today, but it has taken similar and worse dives this month. It'll pop back up like it always does. Great time to buy! I jumped out of my position before it tanked too badly. I've been playing Ethereum as it climbs back out of its own hole and recouped what I lost with BTC today. Definitely didn't do that at work. Shhhhh
Interesting. It definitely took a nose dive today, but it has taken similar and worse dives this month. It'll pop back up like it always does. Great time to buy! I jumped out of my position before it tanked too badly. I've been playing Ethereum as it climbs back out of its own hole and recouped what I lost with BTC today. Definitely didn't do that at work. Shhhhh
I was looking for a way to put my finances at the mercy of, like, a version of Hank Scorpio who eats his own boogers.
Looks like dreams do come true!
This is a phenomenon that has always bugged me about financial reporting. Pointing to a single cause behind a change in direction and ignoring the rest of the story. A reporter will claim that a single event precipitated a major market change. Too easy to make spurious correlations and they never report that a few days later the price has popped right back up. There are many factors that affect the price of a stock or crypto or anything else. Bitcoin was in the toilet yesterday before Elon's tweet... assuming I'm correct in that his tweet came out yesterday at 6PM. But, bitcoin hit very similar lows earlier this month and Elon wasn't tweeting then. And the price jumped right back up, which it will do again this time around. In a few hours it will be right back where it was before Elon's tweet. And what percentage of the bitcoin market flows through Tesla? Very very little I would imagine.
tldr It's a good thing when the price tanks like this.
a good thing for Elon / Is he manipulating the market? I mean he is the Golden boy right now.
he's got aspergers so probably won't get bored anytime soon. If you're into guitar you're probably into Jimi and respect his skills . if yer into making money yer probably into elon and respect his buisness savy so if nothing else there is probably a bit of weight to what Elon says or predicts if not on a concious level then a subconcious level. this can't be good for crypto.I think enough people with brains and serious money are invested in crypto and they don't give a flying fuck what Elon has to say about anything, so I'm not too worried about the extent of his ability to manipulate. but yes it's possible he's trying to manipulate the market I guess. he'll either get bored of it or get his hand slapped sooner or later.
he's got aspergers so probably won't get bored anytime soon. If you're into guitar you're probably into Jimi and respect his skills . if yer into making money yer probably into elon and respect his buisness savy so if nothing else there is probably a bit of weight to what Elon says or predicts if not on a concious level then a subconcious level. this can't be good for crypto.
It seems pretty clearly to be a speculative currency manipulation/exchange scheme like some sort of late medieval proto-banking grift.
I'm down like 25%. This is great. I'm a fucking moron lol. Just need to stay in my lane and keep maxing my 401 and Roth and just blow the rest on gear and weed.
Not really. The energy used in charging is offset by the amount of gasoline it replaces. And, much of the county's electricity production is cleaner (nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas) than burning gasoline in a car.Musk it a bit of a hypocrite here. Where do you think the energy for all of those superchargers that recharge Tesla batteries come from?
The electricity generated in the U.S. is from fossil fuel is 60%, Nuclear is about 20% and renewables is 20%:Not really. The energy used in charging is offset by the amount of gasoline it replaces. And, much of the county's electricity production is cleaner (nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas) than burning gasoline in a car.