American Hogger

On this episode, someone has cracked the plastic packaging of Ben's Vintage Yoda Figurine. :Rage:

This week's challenge:

Migrating two applications from Acceptance to Production Regions, With LOBS and Sequence Numbers intact, and then survivng after running the 20 feet to Dave's Snack table and not eating a donut, just looking at it longingly while pushing up your glasses.
No offense intended to anyone who watches the 'reality' shows, but they are one of the primary reasons I got rid of satellite TV. I simply have no interest in watching anything remotely like that. Just not my thing - remotely. I'd rather waste time here or practice guitar....

No offense taken but that is how I practice or say noodle. Serious practice is away from the idiot box. When just noodling, wanking or even practicing routine scales, arps, etc it is in front of the idiot box. Great way to practice your singing, guitar and watching nonsense as well.