All new here ...


Just say hello as a 5-minute newbie, but expert in Rock & its gear for decades now; my only wish is to join a site, where not everything is gotta be sacro-sanct and where fun and artistry per se can take the wide space of Rock'nRoll ... in all his aspects.
Ime, often the established site's admins and them users got kinda topic sheriffs attitude. (?)
Shorty introduced: i'm a maximum libertarian Swiss, mildly aspergeric and in the age to master my life in peace of mine ...


Bob BergerHead:)

Steinberger L2-5 New Strap 2.jpg
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maximum libertarian sounds awful to me, but I suspect that's because I've only been exposed to the 'murrrican version of that. I suspect the swiss version of maximum libertarian is much more pleasant and reasonable.

maximum libertarian sounds awful to me, but I suspect that's because I've only been exposed to the 'murrrican version of that. I suspect the swiss version of maximum libertarian is much more pleasant and reasonable.

When i say libertarian, i mean it as a mentality; Switzerland has become as same as corrupt as all others ... we're not blind for such. At least to say, it's not the adjective Swiss but the quite special mentality of the "good" folks i live with. :)
You can never have too many Bobs. I love it here, hope you do too.

As far as topic sheriffs, we do try to keep guitar forum about guitars, amps about amps. Lounge is for anything. One thread in lounge is for politics. Only restraint on language is don't put naughty words in the thread title, fire at will in the thread.

There's a few of us here that have Steinbergers. Me, Tiltsta, wok (I think).