Aerosmith are over.

Better to go out before you're like a caricature of your former self and the tribute bands sound better than you. I'll never be famous and have to make that decision but I can bet it's hard to know when it's time. But they've done everything several times over so might as well find something else in life you enjoy. The human voice and body dont last forever.

I do wonder about maybe switching to guitar and backup vocals and bringing in a younger front man but egos and such or probably thinking it wouldn't be the same band. It's quite the industry at that level, lots of jobs and people depending on you.
I've heard that Bon Jovi is taking vocal training to help improve his voice. :shrug:

Apparently they think he can recover at least some of his range.
Let's not assign any blame. It's no no no no no no no no, body's fault.

My favorite song in the 4th grade.

Brad Whitford over Joe Perry on the equal guitar teams thread.
Last edited: be fair.....all the really high stuff was always richie sambora.
heck, even the keyboard player had better range than jon.
Ritchie needs to start the 1st ever background singer only band. Oh, he'll still play that sweet guitar. No lead singer though.
Steven had a great voice for a long time. It’s a shame. But, I’m glad they know it’s time to call it.

I’ve been an Aerosmith fan my whole life. I’ve seen them play live twice. I’ll miss them.
I guess Tyler's voice is full of days, and that's how it goes. Some genres and vocal styles become increasingly harder to do as you're much older than 30. OTOH artists like Bryan Ferry, Johnny Cash and our very own Gary have managed to adapt and make the best of what they've got to work with. Sometimes just the sound of a well-seasoned voice has stories to tell in its own right, in addition to whatever song is being performed.
I guess Tyler's voice is full of days, and that's how it goes. Some genres and vocal styles become increasingly harder to do as you're much older than 30. OTOH artists like Bryan Ferry, Johnny Cash and our very own Gary have managed to adapt and make the best of what they've got to work with. Sometimes just the sound of a well-seasoned voice has stories to tell in its own right, in addition to whatever song is being performed.
Thanks for the compliment.

Aerosmith has never been my type of band. I can appreciate their talent, but I can't listen to them. It makes it awkward now that I live near Bahstan...

It is kinda like moving to Alabama and saying you wouldn't marry your sister...:runaway:
I watched Look Away and absolutely loathe Tyler now. His creepy looks at young women while he was on that Idol show (or whatever one that he was on) were always unsettling.

The guy who was manager of The Runaways got too easy a death IMO too.