A year ago today....

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
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Overall, has this been a positive transition?
Yes. Running a small business through the last decades worth of economic mess was hugely stressful. I got tired of making sure everyone else got paid first even when they were working against the business interests. Having to babysit 8-10 musicians gets fucking old. The difference in my families' day to day life is huge.
Yes. Running a small business through the last decades worth of economic mess was hugely stressful. I got tired of making sure everyone else got paid first even when they were working against the business interests. Having to babysit 8-10 musicians gets fucking old. The difference in my families' day to day life is huge.
Yes. Running a small business through the last decades worth of economic mess was hugely stressful. I got tired of making sure everyone else got paid first even when they were working against the business interests. Having to babysit 8-10 musicians gets fucking old. The difference in my families' day to day life is huge.
I was going to say it must be a positive thing for yhe family.
I bet you get to spend more time with them.
Love that selfie. :thu: Glad things worked out for the best. You have to feel good about that decision. What is it now...an Asian massage parlor?