GPOTD 6.27.17

Yeah, that thing represents almost the entirety of things I hate in guitardom.
I actually saw one of those when I was in college in the 80s (though with a much more subdued burgundy finish). It was kind of cool. This one - pass!
I played an Ibanez copy of the Jimmy Page Gibson EDS-1275 back in the day, and that Zoso was reeeeeaaaaly heavy. Not for the faint of neck.
That would allow me to finally realize my dream of a solo rendition of Fade to Black.

I wanted something like this as a teen because of that song. As a bassist I wad also the only one that knew how to play the acoustic verses to that song. I had a friend's fender mustang hanging around my neck and my bass stripped lower and would play the bass during the heavy parts.

Man that was some ghetto shit.
I put this guitar together in 1999. Bought in a pawn shop in Montana, walnut finish, then added seymore duncan pearly Gates and cut the Plexi cover for the back. Had a place in Orlando airbrush it and the had Mars music replace wiring and put it all back together. I had to sell it in college when funds were short. Been looking for it ever since....any chance someone still owns it here and wants to sell it?
And it was built at the time my favorite band/ song was Metallica /fade to Black, however wasnt necessarily but to the tune of it, but perhaps subliminally influenced by the ride the lightning cover
I put this guitar together in 1999. Bought in a pawn shop in Montana, walnut finish, then added seymore duncan pearly Gates and cut the Plexi cover for the back. Had a place in Orlando airbrush it and the had Mars music replace wiring and put it all back together. I had to sell it in college when funds were short. Been looking for it ever since....any chance someone still owns it here and wants to sell it?

Looks like someone bought the Reverb listing in the OP. I would start by checking Reverb and The Gear Page. :)
My senior picture


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