3rd Nor'easter in 10 days!

Tomorrow here in Massachusetts, we're having our 3rd Nor'easter in 10 days. My power was out for 2 days after the last one. Forecast is for 12-18" of snow.

There's another one forecast for next Tuesday. Fuck.
12-18" is in the forecast for us up here in the Lakes Region, NH.

It's been a mild winter though, so I can't complain. I think we've gotten as much snow in the last few weeks as we have received all year.

It would be nice for spring to come early for once, though.....this on again/off again stuff is pretty much bullshit.

I am not planning on going to work tomorrow.

I have to drive through Franconia Notch, and while beautiful, well.....fuck that shit in a snowstorm.
Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 4.53.38 PM.png
We lucked out on the first storm. Not so much last week, and don't expect to be lucky tomorrow either. At least I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow. I'm practicing for July. :grin:

This is one of the myriad reasons why I will never live in that region.

One of the myriad reasons I keep asking myself why the fuck do I live here. Other reasons include summer, late fall, and spring. That and proximity to New York.
I think my house has seen about six inches total this winter.
It's early yet for us.
Although 3 or 4 years ago we got zero snow in March.

I have had 35.4 " of snow since September here in Wheat Ridge/ Arvada.
Yup. We're closed tomorrow. Management made the call about 430.

Car is strategically parked for shoveling out ease. Got food, got videos. We're set.

Here in the city we really haven't had all that much snow this season. And it's March, whatever we get won't last long.
Did one of you Massholes have a band about 10 years ago and we discussed me playing bass (this would have been on HC where I was Stratoslacker). Those songs are still stuck in my head but I don’t have the files any more.
Mojo dude. I went to visit my boat today make sure the bilge pump is working. It rained over the weekend. Might rain tomorrow. When it rains in California people die.
This was on Mar 7th in Lowell..... at about 6Am. Global warming V2?

ENHIMG_0062 by paladina1a, on Flickr

This was taken just a few hours ago after leaving work early and having a 90 minute drive home. At least the snow is a bit lighter. Global warming v3?

ENHIMG_0067 by paladina1a, on Flickr

As I write this, there has been another 6 inches of the stuff dropped. Supposedly it's going to get into the low 40's tomorrow but I kinda doubt it.
Our weather guy said that Noreasters many times come in threes. He said this year you may get a fourth. Enjoy!
Our weather guy said that Noreasters many times come in threes. He said this year you may get a fourth. Enjoy!
Your weather guy can go fuck himself. We are supposed to get another one next Tuesday/Wednesday, though. They said on the weather report today that there's no sign of this weather pattern breaking in the foreseeable future. Great.

I have about a foot on the ground now, and we're supposed to get another 6-8 inches by dawn. Luckily, it's light snow, not like last week when we got 8 inches of mashed potatoes and had massive power outages.