Recent content by Coralkong

  1. Coralkong

    Your tenure at mwgl and/or hc

    No clue here. I left HC when the first forum meltdown happened and never went back.
  2. Coralkong

    The Official Jack's Place 2017 NHL Thread!

    The better teams are winning, it's the way it should be. No blow-outs in the second round. Good to see.
  3. Coralkong

    The Official Jack's Place 2017 NHL Thread!

    I can't see any holes in Nashville's game right now. They are ON FIRE, from the coach on down. Great, great effort and strategy to beat the Blues.
  4. Coralkong

    GPOTD 5.8.17

    I'd like to try it out.
  5. Coralkong

    Jbird's top-10 live albums from the 1970's...

    Zeppelin-The Song Remains the Same.
  6. Coralkong

    favorite cooking smell

  7. Coralkong

    The Official Jack's Place 2017 NHL Thread!

    I have to admit.....Washington....yeah.......they're not NEARLY as good as I gave them credit for. No grit. No guts. No balls. President's Trophy curse or what have you........they just CANNOT get it done. No excuses anymore. Put up or shut up. I see a complete overhaul of that team coming...
  8. Coralkong

    Hot or Not? Prs PS McCarty

    Burl, more burl and yet some more burl! Beautiful, but way over the top.
  9. Coralkong

    Any sailors here?

    It IS a shit-ton of work, and to be honest, it isn't very comfortable. What surprised me most was how much a sailboat keels/leans. It was kind of frightening, actually.
  10. Coralkong

    Any sailors here?

    I was a stink-boater (powerboater), but gave that up when I moved up here to NH. However, I still have plenty of friends who sail. I've obviously been out on their boats with them as a hand, but have never captained a sailboat before. I've had 2 powerboats (both on the Chesapeake). A 26'...
  11. Coralkong

    Today's Phlebotomy

    Phlebotomy. I thought that was reading bumps on your head. Which head, though, right?
  12. Coralkong

    Joined a new band tonight

    Good luck and do not get her pregnant again.