Ultimate Pedal Star Galactica


Stealing Your Riffs
I completely reworked my largest board. I broke my personal record, 25 pedals, 3 power supplies. It’s strictly for home studio use.

It has a huge variety of clean and dirty sounds. It splits into stereo for dual amps at the Zoom CDR, through the stereo Loop Station, into dual flangers, dual delays and a real spring reverb on one channel. And, it’s relatively quiet, except for the Joyo pedals.

Digitech FreqOut
Peterson Strobostomp Tuner
Analogman Bi-Comprossor
DOD Envelope Filter
Sweetsound Mojo Vibe
Catalinbread Naga Viper
Behringer Super Fuzz
Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive (MOD)
Joyo AC Tone
Suhr Riot
Mad Professor Sweet Honey
Chicago Stompworks Grey Speck
Joyo British Sound
Paul Cochran Timmy
Donner Sophgate
EHX Freeze
Behringer Ultra Shifter/Harmonist
Walrus Audio Monument Tremolo
Zoom MultiStomp Chorus,Delay,Reverb
BOSS Loop Station
Donner Jet Convolution Flanger
Mooer E-Lady Flanger
XVive Memory BBD Delay
1776 Effects Multiplex Echo Machine
Van Amps Sole-Mate Analog Spring Reverb
I get that's for home studio use only but I'd still find it a tap dancing nightmare personally, YMMV.

What's the noise level off that many pedals hooked together?
I get that's for home studio use only but I'd still find it a tap dancing nightmare personally, YMMV.

What's the noise level off that many pedals hooked together?

It’s actually quiet except for the Joyo pedals. All the power supplies are isolated.

I can even lower the noise of the Joyo AC Tone and British Sound by getting a little tricky. I adjust the gain to a quiet level, and if I want more gain, I stack them into one of the other dirt pedals. For example, the Timmy works well for that purpose. I get the character of the Joyo without all the noise.

I understand what you’re saying about tap dancing. This board would not work well for live performance. It’s for home studio playing and recording. Also, I prop the back of the board up so that it tilts at an angle which makes reaching the pedals easier.

On the rare occasions when I go out to jam with other musicians, I bring a couple of guitars, one amp head, a 112 cab, and either my PT Jr, or Nano board.

I swapped out the Zoom MS100BT for a Zoom MS50G. Otherwise, it’s the same as this pic below. I typically program the Zoom MS with 3 presets, and it’s also the tuner.

PT Nano…

PT Jr board….
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good God man it's breathtaking
It’s a lot. I rarely turn more than 3 pedals on, per channel, at one time.

My only regret is that my Pigtronix Tremvelope broke before I put the board together. The Walrus Audio Monument Tremolo is a great pedal, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the unique sound experience of the stereo envelope filter plus tremolo of the Tremvelope.

Of course, I also have a stereo Fulltone Supra Trem 2 in the loops of two amps. It’s great as well, yet I mourn the loss of my Tremvelope.

Pigtronix made a small mono Tremvelope Phaser Tremolo called the Moon Pool, starting in 2021. But, it’s a different animal.

I checked with Pigtronix regarding repair. They say parts are unavailable. They don’t offer repair services on it at this point.

Somehow, new and used ones are available on Reverb. I’ve sold $300 worth of used gear so far. GAS for another Tremvelope is high. Resistance is futile!