Vegan Guitar Pick???


I have the box
Have you tried one?

Hmmmm…I bet I could make a profit selling little grip stickers that people could put on any guitar pick they have.
I have a pack of these that sound glorious with acoustic guitars. Also with electric of you want that scratchy pick The Edge tone.
The cork center looks interesting. I’m sure it’s a decent pick.

Ever since I got hooked on Dunlop Jazz III, that’s the size of pick I prefer. I use Max Grip Jazz III for electric most of the time, plus a few other thick, small jazz-size picks of other brands.

I have two Blue Chip Jazz picks that were very expensive. They are my favorite picks for acoustics, less clacky sounding than the Jazz III. Also, the BC have a unique feel that seems to glide along the strings with less friction. They feel different with electric, but are not that much different sounding than Jazz III. except when playing clean. Overall, it’s not a huge improvement on electric, but very significant with acoustic guitar.

One other significant difference between Blue Chip and Dunlop Jazz is the way they wear. The Blue Chip picks show no wear after years of use. The Jazz III’s definitely wear out with use.
I've been 3D printing my picks using PLA, which is plant-based.

Tagua, also known as vegetable ivory, refers to the hard, white endosperm of the seeds of certain palms, particularly the Phytelephas genus, which are native to tropical regions of South America.

Here's a more detailed explanation:
  • What it is: Tagua nuts are the seeds of the ivory palm tree (Phytelephas genus).

  • Appearance: The seeds have a creamy white, smooth, and hard texture that resembles elephant ivory.

  • Uses: Tagua is used for various purposes, including jewelry, buttons, inlay work, and as a sustainable alternative to ivory.

  • Sustainability: Tagua is a sustainable alternative to ivory because it is harvested from trees in a way that doesn't harm them.

  • Cultural Significance: In some indigenous communities of South America, tagua nuts have a sacred and spiritual significance.

  • Other Names: Tagua is also known as "vegetable ivory" or "palm ivory".
Plastic guitar picks aren't vegan. They're made from dinosaurs.
I've been 3D printing my picks using PLA, which is plant-based.
