What’s your typical haircut budget?

I go to a local old school barber. There's three of them and they've been cutting since the dawn of time and they're worse than a knitting circle. They know the dirt on everyone.

Anyway, it's super cheap. $10 for the cut, $5 for a tip, every four to six weeks.
I prefer a simple 3 1/2 buzz cut, nothing complicated, so I just go to the mega-salon at the mall and let whoever is up do it...usually costs between 15-20.00 with tip, and happens 3 or 4 times a year...

In all honesty I would not care a whit if it all fell out tomorrow and I never had to wash or cut it ever again...
I buzz my own hair with a #2 comb and trim the back by putting the brim of a baseball cap along my hairline.
I buzz my own hair with a #2 comb and trim the back by putting the brim of a baseball cap along my hairline.

I just eyeball with a mirror for the back hairline and if I accidently (which is rare these days) get uneven then I just go a little shorter. the thing about hair is it grows back so you always get another try :embarrassed:
$40-$50 after tip...higher price is if I’m rocking a longer layered cut. I get my hair did every two to three months if I’m keeping it mid-length.
What’s left of my hair doesn’t need anything special. Great Clips near the house and I just hand over a 20.
$17 every 3 weeks to my guy Dy, and well worth it. My relationship with my barber is older than my marriage, my house, my job....etc
I bought a Wahl clipper 15 years ago.
A buzz with the #2 guard every month and I'm good.
Cost is about $0.20 a buzz.