Webb Space Telescope Thread II

tiger roach

Urban Bovine Knievel
I think we had one earlier but I can’t find it. :embarrassed:

As of today, the unfolding process has been completed. :cool:


Fantastic. I'm glad to see this all going well, the next thing to happen is deceleration and insertion into orbit at L2, right?

I can't wait to see the science that comes from this thing. If Hubble is any example, this thing is going to fundamentally change our understanding of the universe.
wow....5 MONTHS to cool down enough to use it?? :eek:

It needs to be REALLY COLD!!!!

Glad to see that it's still going well though there are still some things left before it works. It had something like 300 single point failures with 0 chance of repair given where it is going. It cost a ton of $$$ and I'm happy that it might not end up as a big gold brick in the middle of no where :thu:
wow....5 MONTHS to cool down enough to use it?? :eek:

Ordered a new guitar on Sunday, it arrived yesterday - and the box has a noticeable impact in the body area. Since I ordered from Dave's in Wisconsin, I need to follow protocol and wait 24 hours to open, as their return policy is voided if you don't wait during the winter. It's a semi-hollow in a gig bag, and I am nervous...just under 8 hours to go...

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I haven't kept up with the JWST stuff, so I just assumed this was some kind of successor to the first JWST, because I remember that thing being announced during my NASA days in the 90's. The project must have had some well-placed political friends to have survived that many administration changes. I'm not criticizing the JWST itself, I'm just genuinely surprised that such a thing is still possible with the budget wars and short attention spans in Washington.
The pictures from this thing are going to be awesome. Someone should invent a printer that can put the huge images on ceilings.
So the next really interesting part for most of us will be in a couple weeks when it reaches L2 and goes into orbit around it. Then months of cooldown and calibration to follow before it really get's to work and we can get some new wallpaper from the primordial universe for our PCs.
The technology on JW is absolutely game changing for orbital telescopes, and satellites in general. Antenna deployments are common, but the complexity of the structure is unequalled.
The technology on JW is absolutely game changing for orbital telescopes, and satellites in general. Antenna deployments are common, but the complexity of the structure is unequalled.

As a hobby astronomer, I appreciate how the basic structure is a classic reflector telescope; that thing is gorgeous. It's brilliant how they were able to get a mirror that size into space.

And the instruments & detectors are incredibly intricate. I can see why they need so much time to get them all calibrated and ready for work.
Just 2224 miles to go to L2...with more than 905,000 miles distance from Earth.

The news here was talking about JWST this morning, as a bunch of parts inside are made by Swiss companies, plus news here is generally filled with lots of these type of stories as not much news happens.
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