Time to buy an amp. What?

Elias Graves

Common misfit
My cheap ass Champ finally blew up in a puff of smoke and I'm through fixing it. Time to replace.

Here's what I'm looking at...

Laney Cub 10. 12 watts or so and a 10" speaker. 6v6 tubes that supposedly can also take 6l6s. Not sure if that actually gives more power or not. It has some nice features but I'm concerned it's just another cheapie like the Champ. It is a two tube design and is class ab. Maybe a little fuller sounding. It's reported to be a little darker sounding than a lot of fenders and that could be a good thing. The white guitar is very bright in tone.

VHT Special 6 head. Looks like quality is a little higher. Has some nice features and I can run it through my 2x10 cab. Hand wired for whatever that's worth. Single ended class A, which I like. Very lively amps.

The other main contender is kinda off the wall. I'm thinking of getting a Boss 59 Bassman pedal and an Electro Harmonix 44 Magnum power amp. Amp rig on a pedal board has a certain appeal. I could run this into my 2x10 and I can also use the original and replacement speakers from my champ to build a 2x6 for practice. The all solid state does have some appeal. Tubes are a pain in the ass and I find them unreliable.

I think most of you have heard my feeble playing. I like a trashy lo if tweedy type sound. Nothing fancy, just some nice gritty cleans and a little drive occasionally. I only occasionally play with others and when I do jam with Foo and the boys, a mic is always on hand to make a small amp louder so volume isn't a huge consideration.

Any other ideas or thoughts on the stuff I listed? Money's tight right now so I gotta go cheap for now. The 5E3 will have to wait til next year (I hope.)
JCM800, two cabs (one slant, one straight)
rock the fuck out.

maybe get two sets of said gear
for left side and right side of staging area
You know, the videos make these sound great but every one I've tried had an awful hum to it. Common or bad luck?

I didn't have any trouble with mine. Don't know if you saw a clip of me using mine at a jam last weekend. I am using my G&L ASAT Classic into a Wampler Hot Wired and into the Excelsior.


You do need to get the Pro. If you get the cheaper non Pro unit, you will need to change the speaker out. The Pro comes with an Eminence Legend relabeled for Fender. Only mod I did on my Excelsior so far were the preamp tubes were changed from the Chinese made tubes to Tung Sol 12ax7's.

I lucked out and bough my Pro used for $199.
Those VHT's look interesting, I've contemplated getting one.

I'll take that champ off your hands if you want to get rid of it.