The Schwinn Breeze restoration is starting


Animal Psychic
I'm restoring an old Schwinn Breeze woman's 3 speed for a friend of mine. Thought I'd kick it off with the before picks.



It's not in terrible shape and still has the two tone seat which is great. I will have it repainted though, and the replacement Schwinn stickers are available on eBay. If the paint were slightly better I'd just touch it up a bit, but I think a new paint job is going to make this thing shine.

I started just taking everything apart today. I will do all of the rust removal on the fenders, rims, and small parts myself. Will take apart the front axle and bottom bracket, clean everything and repack the bearings. The rear axle I will try to leave intact since it's an internal 3 speed which only God knows how to work on, but try to repack the bearings and clean everything up.

Edit: lol, I'm thinking bottom bracket, it's just a one piece crankset

She had all kinds of accessories mounted all over the place which I removed before these pictures. And the wheel reflectors are definitely not vintage. I would encourage her to lose them, but they're for safety so I won't be making that recommendation. If it were my bike I'd definitely lose them.

Front Schwinn badge looks good. A missing red reflector on the rear fender, which I'll try to find a replacement for on Ebay.
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Also, this guy is great. He has a whole series of videos restoring this one old Schwinn. Lots of good recommendations for loosening rusted spoke nipples, solutions to use to remove rust, etc.


My first two wheeler was one of these. Mine was black, though, and I don't think the fenders were chrome. Early on, I remember t-boning a huge Caddy coming out of an alley! I was barreling down the sidewalk at full speed and and I hit him dead center in the driver's door. The guy wasn't too mad, but I was so afraid my dad would kill me when he found out.
I had a Schwinn Racer (2-speed) that I had owned since I was 12, that I finally had to leave behind in a move 10 years ago. There has literally not been a single day since then that I have not thought about that bike and regretted leaving it behind. I mean, it deeply upsets me, and there's no resolution. Thanks for making me think of it again.
Also, this guy is great. He has a whole series of videos restoring this one old Schwinn. Lots of good recommendations for loosening rusted spoke nipples, solutions to use to remove rust, etc.

How's it going there buddy? How's the restoration coming along?