That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I got this blast from the past off of eBay this week. The seller only lived about 30 minutes away, so I drove to pick it up. An '84 Ibanez Roadstar.

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FINALLY...some good news...

...Mom's out of the brace and standing on her own 2 feet...


That's GREAT!

good news, Jello! :)

I sliced two nice gashes in my left (fret) middle finger today, cleaning the fucking tenderizer.
used that liquid skin on it, once I got the bleeding stopped.
don't think I'll be playing any guitar tonight though. :(


I gues we're all even, then. :annoyed:

best part of the raise? Twas supposed to go into effect in december.

Two months backpay, bitches! :grin:
Kelly, I go the same deal coming too! :grin:
don't know how much the raise is, but it better be pretty fuckin' significant

else I'll be spilling the beans that the GM is banging the HR gal. and they're both married.

not to each other.
nice score!
I used to have one of those, I think

Awesome. Marc! Those Roadstars are great guitars :thu:

Thank you, thank you. Yeah, I'm really digging it. It is such a cool design, I like the horns and the headstock. I think Ibanez should do a re-issue.

I went back and saw that I typed Roadster instead of Roadstar. I hate doing that. It is probably because I have a Mesa Roadster and my fingers just went for familiarity when I was typing.
tha's what threw me, why I was unsure if I'd had one before :lol:

y;know, I have no idea what ever happened to mine.
I don't recall selling it (though I might have), and I don't have it now
might have got lost when I lost an apartment or something, maybe
those were pretty rough days

I know I lent it to our lead guitarist in this particular band (I was bassist), but I know I got it back, as it was a loan while his Tele was in the shop.

mine had the same wacky bridge...

you can use that like a FLoyd for the 3 wound strings...
no need for ball-ends.
they'll grip.

and I abused that thing like a MF
and it never went outta tune.

some asshole also spilled a beer on it (and me), and the beer ran under the pickguard...
no worries.
let it dry, cleaned it later

like, six months later.

tough guitar, that one.

woulnd't mind having one again

in pink metal flake, I think.
or purple.

something gaudy

gaudy is good
like I said, gaudy is good

I got a spray can of metallic gold sittin' here.
just ain't made up my mind which guitar to use it on.
was hoping to sell one of my RIches to our guitar guy, but he "discovered" 7str, so I"m fucked on that deal I think
meanas I get to use my Peavey 5str bass again though, so that's cool.
will miss the 8str though, but it can't handle being tuned that low, being short scale and all.

but the Peavey's got WAY better pups in it.
actives and such.

like gettin kicked in the nads by a clydesdale.

just how we like it.

if it weren't for the gorgeous flameyflame quilt on it, I'd do that one gold.
maybe I should get another one, minus flameyflame quilt, and gold it.

then I could leave one at home, travel easier...
(rest of band lives in different town)
we ia't got much this year

which is good
we had more than enough last year

farmers can't take any more

golf course is STILL under water
from spring
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