That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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A shirt and tie for what you do?

Sure. I'm in and out of rehab hospitals, doctor's offices and therapy clinics all day. Gotta look pro, ya know?
That's always been the weird thing about my job. I may be teaching a class to therapists one morning and crawling on the floor fixing a chair that afternoon. I have the "many hats" job.

I never used to wear them at all. Neither do my competitors. I figured it couldn't hurt to look a little sharper than everyone else.
Even got some bowties now. :grin:

I shaved yesterday and got a buzz haircut for the first time in 6 weeks... I'm feeling pretty dapper... Although, I am still in my robe!
Buzzcut FTW! I got fed up with long mess many moons ago.
A wise hippie once told me "It's not what's ON your head that matters, but what's IN it."
I think he was referring to the drugs, but the sentiment still applies. :lol:

Remember that drought we were having? Yeah, we just got the last two years worth of rain in the last hour. Streets, creeks and ditches are all overflowing. It's chaos, I tell ya. Dogs and cats sleeping together; real fire and brimstone shit.

Heeeeeeeeeel! Hay Ho!

Remember that drought we were having? Yeah, we just got the last two years worth of rain in the last hour. Streets, creeks and ditches are all overflowing. It's chaos, I tell ya. Dogs and cats sleeping together; real fire and brimstone shit.


Yeah, I'm seeing people cavorting about in sandals, t-shirts and shorts; and it's February. Should be 19 degrees with a foot of snow. What's up?
as mark already knows i got some cassette tapes at worlk today and am making mixtapes. :embarrassed:
Hey guys and gals!

EG, Mom's doing pretty well. When it's just the two of us, that's when it's been rough. Fortunately, I think, we've been surrounded almost constantly since I've been down here.
Oh cool... Now I'm getting ads for the Mormon church... Sorry, but If I am going to be in a cult, I will be the founder...
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