That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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good point...tone is important...I think my main point is to not get hung up on the "name" and feature set, and take the one that works...

Yeah...if I had been looking for a guitar that felt good or looked how I wanted I would have never of ended up with the LP standard I have now...
I honestly have never in my life played a LesPaul the really felt right, sounded right, or looked right to me...not one...which is how I ended up with a washburn LP copy that has been my main instrument for 20 years...
I honestly have never in my life played a LesPaul the really felt right, sounded right, or looked right to me...not one...which is how I ended up with a washburn LP copy that has been my main instrument for 20 years...

I've played some good ones and a ton of shitty ones. I'm really happy with the two I've got.
the standard is, as you say, not very attractive, but if it speaks through you who the fuck cares...

as for "the paul" asshole ex-brother-in-law has one that I would happily cut his throat to get...let me know if you ever decide to sell yours, maybe I'll contract as an assassin to get the money...
As far as Les Pauls go I would try a few Edwards, Tokai, and Navigator Les Pauls along with Gibson. It has been my experience over the last 5 years or so that you can get a Japanese made LP style that will rival the best Gibsons. YMMV. If you wanna go for the gusto, Bacchus makes one hell of a handcrafted LP style guitar.
As far as Les Pauls go I would try a few Edwards, Tokai, and Navigator Les Pauls along with Gibson. It has been my experience over the last 5 years or so that you can get a Japanese made LP style that will rival the best Gibsons. YMMV. If you wanna go for the gusto, Bacchus makes one hell of a handcrafted LP style guitar.

Tom Harkenrider has a killer 80's era Tokai Goldtop with p90's in it.:!

I'd probably take one of those before a Gibson p90/goldtop if I could find one....
2004 Les Paul Standard:

1979 The Paul

the '79 now has one of Kens Alnico pickups in it...big improvement over the original T top...


From looking at your band pic - apparently you, and the bass player have learned to levitate. The drummer is not yet at that higher vibrational level.

OK. - So a first this afternoon. I met my first forum buddy in person. I met SATURN at our local GC. It was great to meet him, and we are discussing jamming in the future.

Anyway, back to LP's. I played a new Standard, and Traditonal Plus. I think I do preefer the fatter neck on the Standard - damn it - cuase this makes the choice harder, as I think I want the coli taps on the Trad Pro.

Mark - does your standard have the asymmetrical neck? Do you know when they started making those asymmetrical necks?
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From looking at your band pic - apparently you, and the bass player have learned to levitate. The drummer is not yet at that higher vibrational level.

OK. - So a first this afternoon. I met my first forum buddy in person. I met SATURN at our local GC. It was great to meet him, and we are discussing jamming in the future.

Anyway, back to LP's. I played a new Standard, and Traditonal Plus. I think I do preefer the fatter neck on the Standard - damn it - cuase this makes the choice harder, as I think I want the coli taps on the Trad Pro.

Mark - does your standard have the asymeticrical neck? Do you know when they started making those asymmetrical necks?


I don't think mine is an asymetrical neck...I think it's just the 60's slim taper neck...
they started that to counter-act all the "too heavy" complaints...

Well - a solid LP is plenty heavy that is for sure. Both the new Trad Pro, and standard plus were chambered. I did not play either too long, but the 57's sounded dirtier to my ears that the Burstbuckers.
the difference between the 'bursts and '57s in the coils...

The '57s have balanced coil windings, where both coils have the same niber of winds, and thus both coils are equally balnced in output...

the 'bursts have unbalanced windings, thus one of the coils dominates the output, making the sound alittle more edgy...

my own prefernce is the '57s, but it is, as always, a matter of taste...
the difference between the 'bursts and '57s in the coils...

The '57s have balanced coil windings, where both coils have the same niber of winds, and thus both coils are equally balnced in output...

the 'bursts have unbalanced windings, thus one of the coils dominates the output, making the sound alittle more edgy...

my own prefernce is the '57s, but it is, as always, a matter of taste...

...shit, I think I need a new keyboard...
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