Superman/Supergirl question


Kick Henry Jackassowski
If Superman and Supergirl wear their superhero costumes underneath their alter-ego's clothes (Clark Kent & Kara Danvers), then where do they keep their capes at when wearing said regular clothes?

Wouldn't a long cape like that be all lumpy underneath street clothes?

They need to do a season where there is an alternate universe dark Supergirl :love:



I'm not really up on the comic side of things, but I do know there are graphic novels with the Dark Supergirl character. Is it an alternate universe?

They kinda did in the 4 part "Crisis on Earth-X" Crossover.... except she's a Super-Nazi and is married to the dark-earth-x version of Arrow.

Maybe she rolls it up and hides it somewhere. Just don't think about it like that for Superman. He does the .Zip file thing mentioned above.