Strymon Social

Modern Saint

Starve your Fear, Feed your Dream!
I have been following Strymon for the past year and about a month ago, I got an email from them asking if I would like to attend the 4th Annual Strymon Social. In order to do so, you must RSVP so I did. Well that event took place yesterday about an hour and half drive north of where I live. I got there with about 5 minutes to spare before the event began. Not many were there at first so when the doors opened at 12pm. I walked around and checked the area out.

Strymon Headquarters - S.jpg

Pedal Monsters welcome you to Strymon

Strymon Stuffed - S.jpg

I immediately went to one of the pedalboard stations that were set up, picked up and Agile LP and began checking out the board.

Agile - S.jpg

1st Pedalboard Checkout - S.jpg

As more and more people began coming in, lines started for checking out the pedals. So after I checked out all of the pedals on this board (except Timeline and Big Sky), I went to check out the rest of the facility.

The hallways were lined with guitars,

Guitars 1 - S.jpg

Guitars 2 - S.jpg

Meanwhile the offices had more guitars and amps.

Office Guitars 1 - S.jpg
Office Guitars 2 - S.jpg

Amps 1 - S.jpg

Amps 2 - S.jpg

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Amps 5a - S.jpg
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I continued towards the back of the company and found the jam room and placed my name on the jam list.

Stage Left - S.jpg
Stage Right - S.jpg

What was really cool was that the new Strymon Riverside OD/Distortion was equipped on all of the boards.

Since the jam was on yet, I went back to check a couple more pedals on another board. Primarily the Deco and the El Capistan.

Pedalboard 2 - S.jpg

Strymon provided lunch to all the attendees plus water and beer. So when I was done checking out the second board, I got myself some water and a couple of sammachs and went to enjoy the jam. As a participant of the jam, we did not have to bring our instruments. When it was my turn, I was stage left playing a Suhr Tele, pedalboard and into the Princeton Amp. I had a lot of fun during the jam and made couple of new friends.

Enjoyning the Jam - S.jpg

Jam Left - S.jpg

The event was only 3 hours long and at 2pm, Strymon gave away 3 Riverside pedals. The first pedal given away I was just 2 digit off - crap - no pedal for me. After the pedal give away, I went to get a shaved ice treat which was right at the back door, finished that off and left.

Not bad for spending 2 and half hours of my life there. It was such a great day and I had a lot of fun!
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That would have been hugely fun. It would be a good event for me since I love their products so much.

Having tried most of the line, I am a fan even though I don't own one. Been thinking of getting one or two but looking to see what I can purge from my stash to get them.
Very cool. Must be rewarding for the Strymon staff to have a bunch of customers come over and jam.

I agree!

It is no different then @dougk with Kauer Guitars. Having attended 3 years in a row, I have made some new friends that play well and are great people, played some super guitars and got insight on the manufacturing process.

If you get a chance to check out any of the manufacturers and they have an open house event, DO EET!!!