Hot or Not? Speaking of sideways pedals... check out my new portable board!


Meatus McPrepuce
Howie wasn't using his Metro 20 anymore so he kindly gifted it to me... I love my big board but it is BIG. this one still sounds great and is very versatile but it is nice and smol. Can't wait to take it to some kind of jam or something
Your board does exactly what I think proper sideways pedals should do... puts the inputs/outputs in optimal locations, and allows better access to some of the buttons instead of poking a toe between pedals. :baimun:
Expandora? Are you playing ZZ Top covers now?

Julia? What do you have against Boss chorus?

Joshua? Why do you hate Boss Delay?

Yes, yes, and yes!

Julia and Joshua are dating :embarrassed:

The Boss DD-8 and Dimension C have been promoted to the Big Board :embarrassed:
Yes, yes, and yes!

Julia and Joshua are dating :embarrassed:

The Boss DD-8 and Dimension C have been promoted to the Big Board :embarrassed:
Julia, passed over for promotion. Sexist BS! She should threaten a lawsuit over Joshua’s sexual harassment to leverage her way into the coveted spot.