So, it's now the Peter Green/Gary Moore/Kirk Hammett Les Paul ???


Kick Henry Jackassowski


Will Kirk Hammett owning it make it worth more, or less? cop0
You'd think if it was that great, they would have kept it.

Gary Moore sold it after having the neck fixed. He had it in the trunk (boot?) of his car, and someone ran a red light and T-boned him...splintered the neck up real good. You can see pics of the back of the neck on that first site I posted.

He had it fixed by an expert, and I guess the neck is pretty stable now, but Moore said it just didn't play and sound the same after the accident. He ended up getting a pretty good chunk of change for a guitar that just didn't excite him anymore.
Boy look at all that pick checking between those buckers. If he had a middle pickup it would have been in the way. Too bad no one told Gary or Peter that they had a problem with their technique.
i don't think i'll ever refer to this iconic instrument as the "Hammett" les paul. still, good for him to be so successful that he can own something so coveted.