Smallest amp you've ever owned?


Try a uk-a lele and a play the day away!
Mine was a diddy little thing that worked on one 9v battery, however the back case was missing and as a result it never turned on, even though I used lego bricks and sellotape to hold the battery in place.

My smallest most recent working amp is a Fender Passport Mini, which sadly ran out of juice a couple years back. Its one of those things where laziness currently overcomes recycling it.
My smallest amp is a Traynor Quarterhorse. It’s that shape and size of a large pedal.
That needs a cab of some sort, though. It also require AC power.

I also have a Pignose, which has a speaker and can run in a battery.
Smokey Amp.
I had one for a year until my friend moved back.
I was using his cab,and had to return it.

I had an AmPlug too if that counts.
Here's old Smokey. About the size of a pack of cigs. In fact you can send them a empty pack and they'll install the amp in it.

Just the Marshall MS-2. Changed the color of my LED to blue just to be different. Today I use it to test my gear after working on them.

I need to break out my (marlboro light) Smokey and my Flyrig. Haven't played through either in a couple of years... IIRC, the Smokey through a 112 sounded a lot like a Big Muff...
Vox AC2.

I bought this as a SDOTD and love it. It is great for the studio. I love the effects and that I can mic it to record.
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I'd like to say the Orange MicroDark that I keep as a backup amp... but it needs a full sized cab.

I owned a Gallien Krueger 250ml with a pair of 6 1/2" speakers for a long while. :embarrassed:

I'd like to say the Orange MicroDark that I keep as a backup amp... but it needs a full sized cab.

I owned a Gallien Krueger 250ml with a pair of 6 1/2" speakers for a long while. :embarrassed:


I had one of those!

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