Second Car of the Week: 1956 Dodge Power Wagon

i don't usually post two cars in one week, but this ain't a's a very serious truck. i would love to have.





Jerry Mattison is likely to show up wearing a forest ranger uniform whenever he takes his fabulous 1956 Dodge Power Wagon out for a spin.

If Mattison chose to arrive in an ankle-length robe and toting a big book of scripture, that would be appropriate, too.

Mattison’s burly Dodge has seen duty serving both groups. Most of its life the Power Wagon was used by cloistered monks as a beast of burden on a Vermont mountain. In its semi-retirement years, it is helping Mattison in his duties as a Bennington County (Vt.) forest fire warden. Regardless of where he takes it, Mattison can rest assured that the Dodge hasn’t looked this good since almost the day it was bought new back in 1956 by a member of the Charterhouse of the Transfiguration, a Carthusian Monestary on Equinox Mountain in southern Vermont.

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