Rip Glitter

Rip Glitter was crushed under a stack of 8 Marshall 4x12 Jubilee cabinets in the middle of a high gain solo so intense and Earth shaking that it resulted in a partial stage collapse. He is banging metal sluts in heaven now.
You know what I use. SIGNATURE Randy Rhoads Jackson V, downtuned to B, with only my DOD FX-59 THRASHMASTER pedal between it and the 5150 (look up the THRASHMASTER for my other reviews). Yesterday, I took my 5150 over to my friend Dino's house, and he opened it up and disconnected every knob except the GAIN one, and then we busted that knob off so it's permanently stuck at 10, because that's the only number I need to know when it comes to pumping out my hot n' tasty licks with my new side project, LETHALICON, when we hit the stage at the Greenbriar Community Center every Thursday. After Dino and I modded my amp, every time i hit a low B, it sounds like the members of Hierarchical Punish are in my basement, beating the members of Civilization Hatred to death with amplified, unbridled metal brutality. This amp is for PURE, SLUTBANGING METAL, so don't even touch it unless you're ready to proclaim your dedication to annihilation!
I heard they buried Rip in a Randy Rhoads polka dot spandex covered coffin. The played a few triplet chugs on the open low e string on the guitar they placed in his coffin before they closed the casket, and if you put your ear to the ground, you can still hear that note sustain to this very day. That is what a Jackson King V can do, something you floggers with your pawn shop offsets will never understand.
I heard they buried Rip in a Randy Rhoads polka dot spandex covered coffin. The played a few triplet chugs on the open low e string on the guitar they placed in his coffin before they closed the casket, and if you put your ear to the ground, you can still hear that note sustain to this very day. That is what a Jackson King V can do, something you floggers with your pawn shop offsets will never understand.
It was a Jackson Randy Rhoades SIGNATURE V tuned to B!!!