Post your headstock tuner


Mediocringly Derivative

I use the TC UniTune. It’s the best headstock tuner I’ve used. And it’s $20 cheaper than the Polytune, without the inaccurate poly feature.
I use the polytune but not the polytune feature. lol.
I have noticed recently that when tuning the B string it registers as F a lot. I have triple checked it with other tuners (phone based) and it is most certainly in B.
What would that stem from?
I have a TC Polytune that is portable and goes with me in my travel kit.


My Acoustic Guitar, Mando, Uke, Bass and some Electric Guitars have the D'Addario/Planet Waves Micro Tuner


But they break easily...not the electronics, but the plastic ball joint.
I have a few of them around. I use them but never appear on stage with one clipped to the headstock. My guitar tends not to go out of tune during a show, and I can always tune by ear if one string is off.
I had a Snark super fast or something like that and it was really good. I left it in Canada when we were there last summer because my nephew and his buddies were borrowing it and smoking weed. :rainfro: