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ya know, there's a little part of me that WANTS them to ram this piece of shit profit riddled dump-care through and become law, and then say.....30 million people or more, without insurance or unable to afford it.
and the reason is.....rage. i want the rage to go boiling over. i want the rage to be riots in the streets. i want 1968 AGAIN!!!
sorry, but it's the only way i see this gaggle of oligarchs getting kicked to the curb and sweeping changes in 2018.
Good Gawd. This is all getting far too scary for me. We really do have a stark raving madman in the White House. The humor and entertainment value of it is gone, replaced with the horrifying realization that this is America in 2017. This whole administration is like a compilation of comic book villains, but with real power and the ability to wreak havoc on a scale never witnessed in our history.
That's exactly what Bannon wants. It's why he took over the campaign and is in the position he's in now. And your post means he's winning.
Wow. Bizzarro world.
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yea....i posted that yesterday.
The unhinging continues... It's fun to chronicle descent into madness, as long as it's not a loved one.