The people fall into two groups. The first is the paid shill, and you can guess who pays them and why. These are failed academic scientists looking for a paycheck by selling their limited credibility for cash in backing something they know to be false with 'controversy' and 'debate'. Anyone with even a hint of scientific training can add this type of controversy to a scientific discussion, as we are all trained to be critical in the peer review process, and applying that methodology to a hollow argument is simple. The other group are the true believers. When one looks into the credentials of this group, one finds individuals with degrees peripheral to the topic at hand (such as a psychology doctorate talking about climate change, for example, but using the credentials "Dr" and "Ph.D." to sound more legit) or outright fraudulent (doctorates in "natural medicine" or from diploma mills). These people are in it to stir up controversy and sell their book or speaking services. Along for the ride you have the followers. These are people who back the position of their political leaders, talk radio pundits, and so on, often because they don't bother to look (or cannot interpret) at the actual data. They hate Al Gore, cause he is a democrat and made that shitty movie, so climate change can't be real. I hate Al Gore, that was a shitty movie, but the science says man made climate change IS real.