Old Ibanez Humbucker Wiring

Grant Harding

Creative fingering specialist
I'm electronically challenged and could use confirmation of what I think I've found please.

I just measured the humbuckers in my old Ibanez 2467 semi-hollow from around 1976 and the resistance is half what's written on the pickups. (eg: neck is 3.9K measured, but 7.85K written).


The wires from the pickups are White/Red/Blue/Braided and measure like this when all disconnected:

Braid to Red = 3.9K
Braid to any of the others = open circuit

Blue to White = 3.9K
Blue to any of the others = open circuit

Red to White = open circuit

When I twist the Red & White together I get:
Braid to Blue = 7.8K

Just confirming that this is correct before I fix it and put it back together again. The previous owner had the Red and White twisted together and the Blue and Braid twisted together and each pair went to the controls, giving half the output I think.

ps - running only one coil with the 500K pots would explain why the guitar has always sounded thin, right?
Yeah, the way he had it wired caused a split coil condition...

Twist the red and white together and tape them off... Treat the blue as your hot and the braid as your ground...
