Achtung! my nomination of forumite of the year


Nasi Goreng Afficionado
goes to DFB

this morning, this was delivered to my office:


For some reason only known to himself, he decided to send this to me from the US all the way to the UK. Man, I don't even know what to say except that this is one of the coolest things anyone has ever done for me!

Thank you so much, will go and play with it tonight after work.

And DFB, if indeed you are planning to travel up to Scotland, give me a shout so we could meet up for a drink!
Howie is under special investigation for his involvements and collusion with the Amps Forum for potentially influencing the election.

Electric Guitars forum. :embarrassed:

Though unusual, I did nothing illegal. I merely engaged a previously untapped base of eligible voters. I received no compensation for my efforts.
I am glad it arrived.
What pisses me off is yesterday I saw that for $10 more I could have got a bundle with the cable and a stand. $10 more.:HB: