Moth is one hell of a bug


Horny bag of electric meat
I've seen a few huge ones like that before...They're about the size of a small bird..

Kind of freaky but moths never have freaked me out..

I can pick them up..The butterflies cousin..
One cool thing I learned about moths, after looking REALLY close at them ( I'm extremely nearsighted ) , is that they are furry sometimes, & they are much more interesting & colorful up close. Also , their antennae are fan shaped sometimes. I have no problem with moths- they don't sting or bite, at least where I live. They're basically nocturnal butterflies.
Hopefully Theodore comes in here and posts Iamone's Giant Moth thread from the GJ days...that was an epic thread.
You LIE. Theodore has encyclopediac (I will check with HelpI'maRock to see if "encyclopedic" is a word!) knowledge of all threads ever made.

I blocked it all out after he posted a pic of himself gladhanding his little lad.
Luna moths are one hell of a bug.

I saw one of these once while I was in highschool at a friend's cabin in the woods. We a "Colorado state of mind" when this big SOB landed on the screen. Blew my mind, man.