Here, have a crappy cell-phone pic . It's from a local place called Barleycorn's - they've had various locations around Cincy, I think they're down to 3 now. The Hot Wing Soup - it's really almost a chili - thick soup, nice big chunks of chicken, in a tangy hot-wing sauce. It's wonderfully delicious. It's not terribly spicy, buy it's amazingly tasty. I introduced 2 coworkers to it today, and they agree. Add a salad with Barleycorn's bleu cheese, and it's just marvelous.
Ok, so I ended up making a semi-healthy compromise. I went to Arby's and picked up two of their $1 Jr. Roast Beef sammiches (plain), took the tops of them and smashed the bottoms together so I had all of the roast beef goodness and less of the non-good for me bun. I washed it down with a bottle of water and also had some diced peaches that I attempted to drain of all it's syrup.
Three kinds of hummus, lettuce, and tomato on pita bread
Handful of kalamata olives and pepperoncini
Strawberry yogurt
Baked Cheddar and Sour Cream Lays potato chips
Sara Lee pound cake (oh God, I love it so)