Moar Chicago : Achtung Lockport, IL types (looking at you Peen Simmons)


Dogue in teh desert
This place looks absolutely amazing! Have any of you types ever been here? Also this guy who is visiting (the guy who runs the YT channel) is what I picture as the quintessential Chicagoan who is nat a DABEARS guy but oddly enough he is from L.A. He just seems very "midwestern"

Lockport is a very pretty upscale community right on the Des Plaines River. There are a lot of old houses there. I haven't been to the haunted house.
You all should meet up in October and go there….make Peen pay everyone’s admission fee :idea:
I had never heard of Lockport and had to search for it on google maps. I think the closest I've been is the Palos area