Food Jam: Meat lovers pizza, hah! Take a closer look at this food they force-fed to me at a sit-down Pizza Hut


Meatus McPrepuce
Did you know this: that an extra large Meat Lover's Pizza has nearly four thousand calories? That is nearly twice the FDA's recommended caloric intake for an entire year! And that's just ONE extra large pizza. But what happens when Daddy straps you to a gurney and force feeds you EIGHT extra large Meat Lover's Pizzas every single night from ages 7 to 13?


This kind of caloric intake, it's... it's not sustainable. And then he has the nerve to call me "Fat Lord" and ask whether or not I'm coming home for Thanksgiving so he knows how many Butterball turkeys he needs to order...
Slather up, Chuck, and slide into the Pizza Pocket for a serving of sassidge not fit for man nor beast. Get your greasy leavings by the bucket. Bring your broad pants down to Cheesy Chuck’s Feed Wagon! TASTES LIKE FREEDOM.
4000 calories is a 2 day intake for an active male. Not a year. 31k is definitely way too much.