Dig it! Let me tell you bout the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and this Reverend Descent baritone I traded for yesterday for nooo reason so


Meatus McPrepuce
I have had my MIJ Tele listed on and off for a few months, and put it up for sale permanently once I got that Tele with Lollars at GC a few weeks back. I have had zero interest. not so much as a whisper on FB Marketplace, Craigslist, or Reverb (or as we call it Fee-verb).

Yesterday some dude was like I'll trade you this Reverend Descent for it... well I looked up recent sold prices on Reverb and they seem to be going for about what I wanted for the Tele, maybe a little more, and I've had zero other interest so I said sure why not. Maybe it will be easier to sell. Anyways I got about halfway done setting it up last night and it's nice and well made, really good quality actually, but I'll probably wind up just noodling around wiht it for a while and then putting it up for sale as I don't know how much of a use I'll have for it...

I want that so much.
A baritone is pretty much the only thing left on GAS list.

Is it more of spaghetti western jingle jangle or is it more of a modern metal crunch thing?
Or both?
update, this is a cool guitar but it is not for me… Hopefully I will have better luck selling this then that other guitar that sat for a while. If anyone here is interested let me know, I'll make you a good deal!