Kingdom Tower To Set World Record As The Tallest New Mega-Skyscraper

Modern Saint

Starve your Fear, Feed your Dream!
With all the problems in the world.....:facepalm:


A new building soon to be under construction in Saudi Arabia will bump the world's current tallest structure from its sky-high first place status. The futuristic mega-skyscraper known as the Kingdom Tower will be built in Jeddah, a cosmopolitan, commercially-minded port city on the Red Sea. The challenger for the world's tallest building title intends to surpass its closest competition — Dubai's Burj Khalifa — by at least 568 feet.

The Burj Khalifa, completed in 2010, measures a soaring 2,717 feet, but the Kingdom Tower will stand at least 3,281 feet tall, according to Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill — the Chicago-based team that dreamed up the design. Earlier plans for the record-breaking structure put the tower at mile high, but were abandoned due to concerns that arose in soil testing for the site. The triangular structure will be the focal point of Kingdom City, a sprawling urban development that will cost a reported $20 billion.

Kingdom Tower will house a Four Seasons hotel, upscale office space, ultra-luxurious condos (of course), and the world's soon-to-be tallest observatory. Residents will be able to take a trip up on one of the building's 59 elevators, which travel at over 3 feet per second (22 miles per hour), and enjoy the private sky terrace on the 157th floor.

According to its creators, the monolithic skyscraper will serve as a dual symbol for the city of Jeddah— both cultural and religious. Jeddah is often considered the "gateway to Mecca" due to its proximity to the Islamic holy city, and the Kingdom Tower monument will represent both Jeddah's historic symbolism in Islam as well as Saudi Arabia's prominence in international business.

While only very preliminary construction is underway at the future site of the Kingdom Tower, there are plenty of stunning skyward concept images to marvel at in the interim.

From the 157th floor

Fuck Saudi Arabia in it's stupid non bacon eating face.

It's strange, the longer I've been out of the place, the more hostile I feel about having lived there :embarrassed:
Oh yeah and glasgow is more cosmopolitan than Jeddah and al fresco dining to us means sitting at a bus stop with a bottle of tonic wine and a fish supper.
Big building is big. Good luck getting that thing built to the Saudis. I imagine it isn't easy to fill something like that such that it is economically feasible to build/operate. Skyscrapers make sense in Tokyo, Manhattan, and other places where space is extremely limited, but it other areas they just don't make sense. No idea about Jeddah and building space, but looking at google maps it seems there is a lot of empty land around to build on within a mile or two of downtown. I guess there is some panache of being the world's biggest building and all, but how much companies will pay for that remains to be seen. will never happen...I'd like a fish supper though...and some Irn Bru...
They could have saved a fortune by purchasing 100,000 of these...


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That's kinda silly.
OKC is getting a new tallest building. All I can figure is the owners of Devon Energy have small penises.

Can't have Dubai showing them up as the worlds biggest wasters of money.

I think it is the no bacon thing....
Can't have Dubai showing them up as the worlds biggest wasters of money.

I think it is the no bacon thing....

You can get bacon in most parts of the Middle East including Dubai.

You do however get a shitload of morons with more money than sense and thus you get this:

Where I lived in KSA (which was basically the Middle of nowhere on the exactly opposite side of the country from Jeddah and a 300 or so mile drive to Riyadh there were malls sitting empty that were a few years old, because some idiot had decided to build a newer shiny one next door and all the shops spent a fortune to up sticks and move there :facepalm:

The same in Dubai. I was there when the Burj al Khalifi opened and there were dozens of skyscrapers sitting obsolete or being tore down because they couldn't fill them never mind a new building a mile high. :facepalm:
The same in Dubai. I was there when the Burj al Khalifi opened and there were dozens of skyscrapers sitting obsolete or being tore down because they couldn't fill them never mind a new building a mile high. :facepalm:

It pains me when I think about how there are a few thousand people in the world that if they concentrated their wealth on more selfless things instead of ego and one-upsmanship, that the world would have less hunger, homelessness, and suffering. :(

I mean, let's see one of these guys build a skyscraper that instead of gigantic empty offices and cubicles, they could build an infrastructure that would create homes for a few hundred families, along with shops for them to populate and create... >gasp< a self-sustaining mini-city inside one building.
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Doha has 2 of those and Bahrain (a fucking TINY island with no real oil or gas wealth) is also building one.

The fact that the World in Dubai has basically been a huge financial disaster is not deterring these idiots.

Seriously, the US isn't exactly known for its conservatism and environmentalism but my US buddies who lived and still live over there are in awe at the sheer excess and wastefulness of the Arabs, it's a modern day Roman decadence. Shame they don't put their money into sewage or public housing, they've got thousands of homeless and when it does actually rain in places like Jeddah and Doha, hundreds of people at a time are killed in flooding. :facepalm:
Seriously, the US isn't exactly known for its conservatism and environmentalism but my US buddies who lived and still live over there are in awe at the sheer excess and wastefulness of the Arabs, it's a modern day Roman decadence. Shame they don't put their money into sewage or public housing, they've got thousands of homeless and when it does actually rain in places like Jeddah and Doha, hundreds of people at a time are killed in flooding. :facepalm:

My Uncle worked in Dubai on the seafront construction projects for about three years. He was a consultant for waterfront and marina development for a lot of the projects. My uncle is a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist's capitalist and near worshiper of wealth and success and even he was appalled at how they wasted money over there on billionaires whims that generally changed halfway through the project because a a rival just built a yacht two feet bigger than the one he owned so he needed to divert $100 million into an new yacht.
Two words come to mind when I see that thing...

BUN - GIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Uncle worked in Dubai on the seafront construction projects for about three years. He was a consultant for waterfront and marina development for a lot of the projects. My uncle is a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist's capitalist and near worshiper of wealth and success and even he was appalled at how they wasted money over there on billionaires whims that generally changed halfway through the project because a a rival just built a yacht two feet bigger than the one he owned so he needed to divert $100 million into an new yacht.

Sounds about right.

I really hope I'm alive to see their bubble burst.

I would say to see them sent back to the stone age but they're pretty much still there so to see them kept in the stone age without all of their shiny toys is my dream.
The heaviest thing you'll see these people lift is money, and then, only a credit card like an American Express Black Card.

Not much different than the other top .5% of the world's wealth that has most of the power.
The folks on the streets over there are not too happy about the waste of money either. It's just that you risk your life expressing how you feel about that. But, lately seems a lot of them have had enough. If your life is shit to begin with, where's the downside to protesting?

Same money could be spent on projects of even similar scope and would impress almost everybody if they lost that my-dick's-bigger (AKA Donald Trump Syndrome) mindset. But I suppose the Mega-Billionaire's Club frowns mightily upon that. Probably threaten you with having your nutsack removed.
The folks on the streets over there are not too happy about the waste of money either. It's just that you risk your life expressing how you feel about that. But, lately seems a lot of them have had enough. If your life is shit to begin with, where's the downside to protesting?

Same money could be spent on projects of even similar scope and would impress almost everybody if they lost that my-dick's-bigger (AKA Donald Trump Syndrome) mindset. But I suppose the Mega-Billionaire's Club frowns mightily upon that. Probably threaten you with having your nutsack removed.

Believe it or not the reason the Saudi's haven't risen up like the rest of the real shitholes in the Middle East despite being the 2nd worst condition behind Yemen is King Abdullah gave every Saudi citizen a bunch (I can't remember the exact figure but it was $1000s if I remember correctly) and everyone a couple of days of paid public holidays.

The Saudi's being lazy shitheads at the best of times were generally happy to accept this and stfu :facepalm: