Kentucky restaurant shut down after roadkill found in kitchen

Modern Saint

Starve your Fear, Feed your Dream!
Kentucky restaurant shut down after roadkill found in kitchen. Local CBS affiliate WYMT interviewed the witnesses. The roadkill was apparently a deer stuffed into a trash can. "There was actually a blood trail they were mopping up behind the garbage can," customer Katie Hopkins said. "There was like a tail, and like a foot and a leg sticking out of the garbage can, and they wheeled it straight back into the kitchen."

Local health inspector Paul Lawson was called in to investigate. Lawson said the restaurant owners told him they didn't know they were doing anything wrong. "They said they didn't know they weren't allowed to do that. So that makes me concerned that maybe they could have before. They didn't admit to doing it before." The owner said he didn't plan to serve the deer to customers—instead he planned to use it to feed his family.

The restaurant has been temporarily shut down but will be eligible to reopen as soon as it passes another health inspection and proves it has been washed and sanitized.

Check the video on the link!
When I lived in California, there were a couple brothers that worked with me. They were from Viet Nam. When they first move to the states, they used to pick up roadkill all the time. They explained it wasn't uncommon where they were from. One day they stopped to pick up an animal that had been run over. They grabbed it and threw it in their trunk. Before they got home they were almost overcome by the odor from the trunk. Turns out there's an animal in Viet Nam that looks just like a skunk
A Chinese joint in Atlanta was shut down a few years ago when they found several dog carcasses in the freezer. The owners said these were reserved only for high paying customers who 'appreciated' that dog was a 'delicacy'
I ate there once, but I won't be back. The venison was rubbery. It gave me gas. Now I'm exhausted.

Enough already.
I ate there once, but I won't be back. The venison was rubbery. It gave me gas. Now I'm exhausted.

Enough already.

Gimme a brake! Are you tired of the same old thing? The farmers say they have a bumper crop of roadkill this year. I'm having that restaurant cater my tailgater this Saturday. There's gonna be trunkloads of good vittles. Bring your Fender, we'll play some Skid Row covers. I invited some of the guys from the hood.
