Kai rides the biggest wave of his life, hits Jesus in the head with a hatchet.


Kick Henry Jackassowski



A homeless man with a hatchet claims he saved lives when he whacked an alleged assailant claiming to be Jesus and clutching a woman in a bear-hug.


Kai saved the day with his hatchet skills, re-enacted here.

You gotta see the interview with this guy.

(Warning: This is an unedited news interview and contains the F word about 50 times, if you don't want to watch it at work or something.)

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The best interview on the Fresno News ever! Sa-mash! Yeah!

Homeless dudes are awesome. At least the ones from West Virginia.
Note to self: 'Do NOT come to realize you're Jesus Christ, nor think you can do anything you want, or suffer the wrath of a homeless hatchet job.'
Note to forum members, claiming to be Jesus doesn't make you Jesus.

This also hasn't aged well. Kai murdered a gay man he slept with, is now in prison and has allegedly been raped in prison too according to reports from last week.

Oh well!