I'm putting together a new "act"

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
I'm burnt out on much of what I do or not having control over the situations that I play in and a couple of staff concerts with my coworkers at school has got me thinking that I should just put together a new vocal repertoire of music I want to do and give myself the ability to run my own band whether it is a solo acoustic thing, duos or more of a band situation. I'm also learning a ton of new music to sing and I've been working on my voice pretty hard this year so I think I'll be in a decent place to start performing out in a couple of months. I'll post updates here.
So at this point I have about 25 songs (no blues or jazz standards included although I do have a bunch of those) that I could probably pull off if I had to play a gig next week. Still getting comfortable with them and many are songs that I already know from cover bands so it's not my "dream collection" of tunes but that's OK.

I'm discovering that dropping keys a minor 3rd to a perfect 4th seems to work best for my voice for most songs. I'm shooting for less vocal strain and more control and caring less about what the original versions sound like (which ends up being more important in my cover band work().
Whats up?
The thing with gigging for me is that I have to balance the giant pain in the ass of travel/loading/unloading/setup/waiting around/people/being in a place I wouldn't hang out in if I weren't gigging there/etc. with the thrill of performing. Historically, the latter has made enduring the former worth it. It's not anymore.
The thing with gigging for me is that I have to balance the giant pain in the ass of travel/loading/unloading/setup/waiting around/people/being in a place I wouldn't hang out in if I weren't gigging there/etc. with the thrill of performing. Historically, the latter has made enduring the former worth it. It's not anymore.
I get you!!!!
Sounds like you need to buy my brand new Sheeran Looper for $300 off retail price. :helper:


You can load backing tracks or drum loops into the substantial memory. I even configured Loop 4 to be vocal with pass through and set the guitar to be able to record to tracks 1, 2, or 3 without including the vocal so I could sing while laying a track. On loop 4 I could stack looped harmonies and sing over the top of them.

Those layers of preconfiguration and set planning are really the bread and butter of this device verses a more bare-bones approach I use, and one of the main reason's I'm selling (other than I need $$$ for a new Mac Studio).
The thing with gigging for me is that I have to balance the giant pain in the ass of travel/loading/unloading/setup/waiting around/people/being in a place I wouldn't hang out in if I weren't gigging there/etc. with the thrill of performing. Historically, the latter has made enduring the former worth it. It's not anymore.
the "thrill of performing" has left the building a long time ago.
i'm now outstanding in my living room. :facepalm: