I found the PRS I want.....

I hear ya...I often see PRSi that I'd love to own but I know I'm way too cheap to ever buy one.
Yeah... the 245 model and the Santana model are both 24 1/2" scale. As well as the Mira X. (regular Mira is 25)

There's an almost identical 245 at Elderly for $2100.


I can't believe I'm typing this but if I had the cash I'd be shopping for a 513 right now.

I'd have to try the P-rails. On paper they look awesome.

On paper, yes.

I sold mine.

The rails are sharp... kind of like tele pickups... not strat pickups.
The P90's sound great. Hot, fat, with bite.
The parallel setting is clear and usable....
... but the Humbuckers are too hot. Too dark and gritty.

And now they offer a HOTTER version of the P-Rails. :messedup: :facepalm:

I took what I learned from the P-Rails and am incorporating it into my own version of the 513.

The white coils are Eric Johnson Singles. Hopefully their magnetic field isn't too disturbed by the switched off coils sitting next to them.

The black coils are overwound Quarter Pound singles with coil taps. When overwound, they'll sound like fat singles... or slightly clearer P90's.

When combined in series, I can use the coil taps to use less windings on the black coils to get a more balanced humbucker sound (or full winding if I want something darker :wink: )

The controls will be master volume, master tone (zero load pot), 5 way blade for Bridge/ Bridge + Middle/ Bridge + Neck/ Middle + Neck/ Neck and then a 5 way rotary that changes the outer pairs of coils between:

5: EJ Singles
4: QP Overwound Singles
3: Regular Humbucking
2: Parallel coils
1: Hot Humbucking
They offer the McSoapy with an unfinished rosewood neck..... I've played one and they're kick ass.

They also offer a 3 Soapbar model with the maple neck.

Do they still come in those groovy metallic colours?