Listen to this - I’ve Made a New EP and I’d Like Your Help Spamming the World

Peen Simmons

Let’s Get Obtuse!
I’ve recorded a new EP that I’m “releasing” in September. Because we live in a world made of algorithms, it’s super important or something that people smash like and pre-save and stuff. So if you guys that use Spotify could hit these links and pre-save the EP and the two teaser singles, that would be rad.

Also if you enjoy retro music that sounds like someone left a truck stop cassette compilation of ‘60s bands on the dashboard all summer, here’s a secret Dropbox link to the EP. FUN FACT: it was expertly mixed and mastered by @jelloman who was very kind to put up with my nonsense and made things sound wonderful.
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Well, from the preview of "London Avenue" I feel really good about how it translated to the Spotify compression...:thu:
Big Dead Everything sort of reminds me of small faces. Am I way off base here?

I wasn’t specifically channeling the Small Faces in this song, but that’s definitely the type of stuff that has inspired this project.
Listening now, and it's great!

Thanks. I’m starting to send things out for promo, playlist consideration, etc. and got maybe the best bit of feedback ever yesterday…
