How will you get your c-r-a-z-y ON tonight ?


Dogue in teh desert
will you murder a hobo? perhaps you'll take an aromatherapy bubble bath? maybe you'll huff paint and drink some cheap port wine or perhaps you'll shoot guns in the street....

Share your plans!

My wild and crazy night planned is outlined below...

I will make Enchiladas starting around 5;00 pm
i will continue my movie marathon which began earlier with

next up will be

and then at some point I will watch this madness....

beyond that I will just throw caution in the wind and watch whatever I feel like at the moment. There will also be some hot cocoa drunk, maybe some hot apple cider and/or pour over coffee . I will also munch on tortilla chips and (semi) fresh Hatch, NM red chile salsa.....i might also make a hot toddy but then i will probably fall asleep at 7:30 pm tongue0

Oh yeah there will also be dog feeding soon. i will cook the dogchildren up some chicken with green beans,, carrots and spinach because i am wild and crazy like thatbeavis0

so what are your plans
I'm SOOOO happy that I'm not gigging tonight.Work has been a bitch this month and it's nice to be able to get to bed at midnite and sleep in tomorrow. I plan on watching football,havinga few glasses of wine and watching the ball drop at mid nite
Out for dinner and ringing in the new year with the band.
I’ll be on roadie duty for Dennis. He’s one wrong move away from back surgery.

Bacon Wrapped, Blue Cheese Crusted 8 oz Beef Tenderloin Filet

Usually we do nothing. I think we might go to the casino for a bit. I’m not a big New Year’s Eve fan though. Very content just to go to bed early.
Going to the French Lick casino to see a band play. No cover charge and reasonably priced drinks. And I'll probably go crazy tonight and feed a $5 bill into the penny slot machine instead of my usual two or three bucks.
Kids are at the ex.

I will be away from a bar as its kiddie night and am tired of drinking. I will probably don my jean jacket, baseball cap and hit the buffet at the 24hour truck stop near me.
I made a list:
☐ Tortilla soup for dinner
☐ Watch a few movies with Mrs. T while enjoying a few rum based concoctions
☐ Gratuitous sex and violence
At a friend’s place with our toddlers. Just did the Netflix kindie countdown. Probably be home in an hour. Put the kid to bed. Have a bottle of Duvel waiting in the fridge.
Just finished an awesome dinner. (Grilled a whole tenderloin over charcoal in the 12 degree weather, made spaghetti carbonara and asparagus)

Gonna put the kid to bed, watch a movie with 1wife, and get in bed before 10. Yeehaw!!

3 beers are being consumed. Maybe 4 if Im feeling sassy.
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Get home from work and have a lite dinner. Practice a bit TZ Marathon until I fall asleep.
Several neighbors will convene next door (with kids). Will eat and drink until midnight, then promptly march home and go to sleep.