How about those Chinese Marshalls?

Maybe the new owners will change Marshall back into an amp company instead of a company that slaps its name on shitty consumer electronics and refrigerators. Point-to-point Chinese versions of classic amps at a reasonable price would probably sell well.
The article states that a Chinese equity firm has bought the majority stake. Doesn't actually say anything about manufacturing moving anywhere. To be fair, I have no idea what, if any, Marshalls are still built in the UK these days after they started selling fridges and DAB radios/bluetooth speakers.

At the end of the day, purely in terms of quality, it doesn't actually matter where something is built, it's all about what level of Quality Control and Assurance is applied to the whole manufacturing process.
The Marshall Group is kind of a misleading name. AFAIK Marshall as in the amplifier makers already became a subsidiary to the company Zound (or whatever), the Swedish conglomerate behind Urbanears and some other stuff, which later renamed itself The Marshall Group. In which that Chinese equity firm now has a majority stake. It's quite possible nothing changes for Marshall as in the amplifier division. In the grand scheme of things this is probably all about the brand name, and as long as the amplifier company isn't bleeding money I doubt anyone higher up gives much of a fuck as long as they sell enough headphones, radios and whatever other random crap they've been sticking the marshall logo on lately.
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The article states that a Chinese equity firm has bought the majority stake. Doesn't actually say anything about manufacturing moving anywhere. To be fair, I have no idea what, if any, Marshalls are still built in the UK these days after they started selling fridges and DAB radios/bluetooth speakers.

At the end of the day, purely in terms of quality, it doesn't actually matter where something is built, it's all about what level of Quality Control and Assurance is applied to the whole manufacturing process.
It has been my experience in the electronics industry, that items manufactured in China have very poor QC, and therefore very poor quality. Their modus operandi is just to build a whole lot of something and let the chips fall where they may in terms of quality since you can just get another unit.
It has been my experience in the electronics industry, that items manufactured in China have very poor QC, and therefore very poor quality. Their modus operandi is just to build a whole lot of something and let the chips fall where they may in terms of quality since you can just get another unit.
It all depends on how much the company commisioning the product is prepared to pay for manufacturing and QC :shrug:

Like for example PSU's for pc's, brands like Corsair and Sea Sonic invested in good facilities and have super strict QC policies, but there's also random ass "brands" that will just slap a sticker on anything as long as it makes them a dollar.

Like anything made anywhere in the world, quality costs, cheap shit is cheap shit.
I did get an MIC Epiphone '61 Reissue Faded SG at the Magic Pawn Shop (for $175!) a few weeks ago and it's actually a really nice guitar... so it does happen.
It has been my experience in the electronics industry, that items manufactured in China have very poor QC, and therefore very poor quality. Their modus operandi is just to build a whole lot of something and let the chips fall where they may in terms of quality since you can just get another unit.
I would presume though that the bulk of those items manufactured in China were massively cheaper than ones manufactured elsewhere (e.g. USA). Therefore there was no budget for decent QA/QC.

I see it something like this:

Same item:

US made, for sale @ $50 - probably has some reasonable QA/QC process
China made, for sale @ $5 - probably has zero QA/QC so it's a crap-shoot if you get a good one.
China made, for sale @ $30 to $40 - probably has reasonable QA/QC process but is cheaper in China due to the cheap labour.

How about this Chinese Marshall?